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Friday, May 31, 2024

June 2024 Newsletter of the Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club

Thank you to our Garden Tour Committee and wonderful volunteers.
On behalf of the SSM Garden Club 2024 Garden Tour, we would like to extend our appreciation to all our volunteers for the Garden Tour. You were all a ray of sunshine on an otherwise gloomy and rainy day.

Despite the weather, we had a good turnout. Our guests enjoyed admiring the gardens and historical homes. Our volunteers provided a gracious greeting, garden information and identified design concepts that dealt with water abatement.

A huge Thank You to our garden owners who prepped their gardens for a visit from close to 100 guests and volunteers, provided tables and chairs and cover from the rain and made themselves available to answer questions, identify plants and share the history of their garden.

Garden Club News

The honored recipient of the 2024 Mary Rice Award, Pat Ebner, presented at the Museum's annual meeting in May.

In May, several members visited two beautiful azalea gardens

Looking Ahead...Christmas in July
July 21, 1-4 pm

We invite all members to don their elf hats and join the festivities in the Museum basement. We will be preparing forms and containers and crafting bows for the 2024 Greens Sale. Come make new friends, chat with old friends and enjoy the delicious snacks. 

The Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club is an activity group of the Sandy Spring Museum. Our activities can be found on the Garden Club webpage:                        https://www.sandyspringmuseum.org/programs-and-events/garden-club/.

Follow us on Facebook and in the monthly Newsletters on our blogspot.

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