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Saturday, April 29, 2023

May 2023 Newsletter of the Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club

Garden Club News

Saturday and Sunday June 3 and 4

The Garden Club will have its plant booth filled with annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetables, and hanging baskets. 


Donate divisions from your garden.  Label plants and leave them under the “big tree” near our booth on June 2.  Donate 3” and 4” square pots anytime this spring.  Leave them in a bag by the back door of the basement.


Volunteer your time on Friday June 2 to set up the booth, on Saturday and Sunday June 3 and 4 to staff the booth (2½ hour time slots), and on Sunday June 4 to take down the booth. 



Friday, June 2, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. (You don’t have to stay for the entire time.)  We will be placing price sticks and labels in each plant, putting skirts on the tables, carrying and arranging the plants, and gathering and storing boxes under the tables. 


Saturday, June 3 Festival hours are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Set-up – Unload nursery trucks and arrange plants in booth. Finish set-up chores.


During the festival, you will be in the booth helping visitors select plants, answer questions and maintain plants.


Sunday, June 4   Festival hours are 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

 Staff the booth as described above. 

4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Take down the booth.

April Program

The April program, Growing Orchids at Home, was presented by Jason Gebbia, President of the National Capital Orchid Society. With an outstanding display of  orchids, he gave a very informative presentation, a power point which included a resource slide. He easily stopped during his talk to answer questions from the audience. The program was preceded by a business meeting and accompanied by delicious food.

Mary Rice Award

Congratulations to Ellen Feeney, 

our 2023 Mary Rice Award honoree.

Blooms in our Area

Brighton Dam Azalea Garden

Brookside Gardens

Member Gardens

Area events in May

May 5-6

May 5-7
Bonsai Festival at the National Arboretum,  Potomac Bonsai Association

May 6

May 6

May 7
Native Plant Palooza, Robinsons Nature Center, Columbia

May 7


May 13

May 13

May 20-21

May 21

The Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club is an activity group of the Sandy Spring Museum. Our activities can be found on the  Garden Club webpage:                        https://www.sandyspringmuseum.org/programs-and-events/garden-club/.

Follow us on Facebook and in the monthly Newsletters on our blogspot.