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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Two Memoriable Presentations

The Garden Club had the opportunity to make 2 delightful presentations at the Museum’s General Meeting last week.  
Mary Rice Award- Presented by Anne Petzold
Every year the Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club presents a leadership award named for our founder Mary Rice.  This is not like the Academy Awards where you get an Oscar for that one outstanding performance in an unforgettable move.  This is award is for a lifetime of achievement.  This year’s recipient has made outstanding contributions to our club since joining the museum in 2001.  She has been our recording secretary and has served as co-president.  She has twice been the co-chairman of our biennial Garden Tour, ensuring its financial and social success.  Beyond holding office, she participates in Greens Sale workshops, maintains the courtyard gardens, and attends field trips and educational programs.  Above all she is valued for her responsible and discerning leadership.  This year’s recipient is Gloria Galyon! 
Garden Club Donation to the Museum – Presented by Amy Cohen, Garden Club Co-President
The garden club has a long tradition of working very hard to enhance the beauty of the museums grounds. We would like to continue that tradition. As a club we have put together a match for the Museums Drainage Grant from the county totaling $15,900. Allison keeps saying that drainage is not a glamorous topic. Having to walk through water, mud and ice in the courtyard and during the greens sale is not very glamorous. We are very proud to help the Museum Community.