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Saturday, September 30, 2023

October Newsletter of the Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club

Garden Club News

Spooky Workshop

November Program

September Program
Cooking with Herbs

Local Events

Support HarvestShare

Beautify your home and garden and give back to your community by
supporting an organization dedicated to reducing food insecurity in
Montgomery County.
Place an order today. Here’s how:
Go to our link at https://dutchmillbulbs.com/bulbs/fall-planting-springblooming-
bulbs.aspx?affid=harvest-share-md-rockville-md, go to Shop Bulbs, make your selections and complete your order and payment.
Online orders are shipped directly to shipping address.
Orders due by: Oct 20, 2023
Questions? Contact Cat Kahn at info@harvestsharemd.org
Thank you for your support!

Travel Photos

Powerscourt Garden, Dublin and hydrangeas throughout Ireland

Wildflowers, turning Aspens and a corn-covered palace in Nebraska and S. Dakota

End of Summer Blooms

The Sandy Spring Museum Garden Club is an activity group of the Sandy Spring Museum. Our activities can be found on the  Garden Club webpage:                        https://www.sandyspringmuseum.org/programs-and-events/garden-club/.

Follow us on Facebook and in the monthly Newsletters on our blogspot.

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