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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sept 2017 - Mary Rice Award/,Oct 2017 Brookside Garden Tour/.Oct 2016 Spooky Workshop

Mary Rice Award, Sept 22
At the Museum General Meeting, the Mary Rice Award was presented to Jan Baweja for 24 years of service in the Garden Club.

Brookside Garden Tour, Oct 22
10 members of the Garden Club met on a chilly morning to have a tour by one of the gardeners of the Park. She explained the new "Parking Garden" at the Visitors Center, which has been planted with many native trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials. There is also a new inclined entrance to the ponds, new retaining walls, seating area and bus parking area.

We also wandered through the garden admiring the remnants of fall flowers, learning about new plans for the garden and the upcoming Chrysanthemum.

Spooky Workshop, Oct 23
While wearing spooky costumes and snacking on goulish food, 15  hard working gremlins (garden club members and friends) made bows galore for the Greens Sale.

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