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Friday, January 8, 2016

A to Z on Bats to Bees


Sunday, February 14, 2016

A to Z on Bats and Bees
We’re picnic planning in B-eautiful February, in a surprising way!

First, we’ll learn about garden-friendly BATS with an exploration of their habitat, life cycle and value in pest control…after all, each bat makes a picnic out of up to 1,000 mosquitos per hour! Then, we’ll move on to a project for our own picnic baskets this spring, courtesy of ever-helpful BEES. We will create personal sets of beeswax wrap, a beautiful, functional and reusable alternative to plastic wrap. The program will start at 2:00 pm in the Dr. Bird Room. This program is open to everyone. To join the fun, please RSVP by February 6th to ssmgardenclub@gmail.com or 301-774-0022 ext. 145.

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