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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

2015 Garden Tour...Be Inspired

Everyone seemed to really “be Inspired” by the 2015 Sandy Spring Museum Garden Tour. All of the gardens were simply spectacular. We are very grateful to the garden owners that welcomed us. The Ex Libris Ensemble was a delightful treat as we enjoyed our delicious box lunches. It was a wonderful to view the Plein Air Artist’s impressions of the gardens while we partook of wine and hors d’oeuvres at the “Wine in the Garden.”  Even the weather cooperated until the very end.
Organizing an event as special as the Garden Tour takes many volunteers. As we started counting everyone, we easily reached over 75 volunteers. We couldn’t possibly mention them all by name and we surely would miss someone. We appreciate all those that helped.
There are 3 people that we want to mention. The first two are Kathy Gaskill and Penny Sidell who started working on the tour last summer. They spent countless hours driving around the community selecting the gardens and working with the garden owners. We would also like to thank Kathy for inviting us into her home and garden for the lovely “Wine in the Garden.” Finally, we want to thank Dee Hawkins our 2015 Garden Tour Chair. She worked tireless hours coordinating the amazing tour.  Without her dedication and hard work, we could not have had such a spectacular event.

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